Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Why in the world is your tagline "is that your stripper name?"

Here's the thing. My name is Destinee. No, I am not a stripper. But I guess having the name that I have warrants the question (thanks, mom), it doesn't help that it's spelled with two E's either. My only saving grace is that it doesn't end in I (example: Candi).

Yes, some people are really stupid enough to ask me that. Namely, guys. Apparently that's the new way to pick someone up. Offend them to the point of coming home with you. Like I said, stupid.

Flashback to 2008. Back when going to the club was fun and the only problem I had was trying to find a dress to wear that night. I was obviously too young to drink, which anyone could tell. If they couldn't tell by my face I'm pretty sure the ginormous black X's on my hands were a dead giveaway. My best friend and I (lets name her Tasha) were getting our groove on, when we were approached by two older gentlemen trying to buy us drinks. We tried to be nice, because this was before I discovered that I had an amazing bitch resting face. So we (and by we, I mean Tasha) were chatting with them and they asked our names. When we told them they automatically latched on to my name. I'm used to this. Growing up, no one else had my name. But I definitely didn't expect this man's response. He said "is that your stripper name?" Um, WHAT?! I was in so much shock all I did was shake my head and walk away. My night was ruined and the only thing that could cure it was IHOP. I needed hashbrowns stat.

Now that you know why I titled my blog the way that I did, I can tell you why I'm doing this. I find writing therapeutic. I wish I could say I'll write in this daily, but let's be for real. I'm lazy. I'm also busy (eating, gaming, and working; but that's besides the point.) I might write in this weekly. MIGHT. I'll cover everything. My job, food, experiences, beauty products, reality TV, and friends. Nothing is off limits. It would be pretty cool to look back in 10 years and reread what I write about everything.

Until next time, make it rain.

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